I see so many people spend tens of thousands (even hundreds of thousands) of dollars on training, certifications, and degrees because they’re afraid to embrace their true gifts. They think that they just need the proper credential and then they can finally do the work that’s been calling them.
They feel that what they DO know isn’t “good enough.” They feel they need outside validation.
But true gifts are by definition UNIQUE. Your gift is yours alone to validate and own.
And when you value it, the rest of the world will value it too.
I’ve never had the proper credentials or certifications. What I’ve had is resourcefulness.
If you’re a creative person with innovative ideas, you may not have a track record of being validated by the world…yet. And you probably don’t feel you have the proper training and ‘credentials.’
How could you? By definition, creativity is something the world hasn’t seen before.
I have yet to work with a client who needs more training in order to achieve her life purpose and express her creative gifts. In fact, it’s amazing how many smart people (especially women) collect endless certifications and credentials and spend all kinds of money (and time) on training after training, because they fear their real gifts aren’t legitimate or good enough.
I don’t mean to disrespect training programs. I just object to the knee-jerk tendency to solve every career dilemma or redirection with yet another certification.
One of my clients calls it “kicking the can down the road.” Her focus is always on something outside of herself that she needs to get. Once she gets it, she kicks the can again.
The problem is, she never gets there.
Our thinking minds tell us we need more training. We think we need something outside of ourselves and all we need to do is “get” it.
But your gift is already present within you. You need to own it and then share it with the rest of us.