Last fall was the first time I heard it.
A very clear, calm, inner voice said, “You’re going to be fine, Kim. Don’t worry.”
I have heard that voice every day since. And although I work with the Other side, at first I had no idea WHY I was being constantly reassured.
Of course, now I know why I heard the voice.
You may not hear inner voices, your inner guidance may come to you in different ways.
But here is what’s true: Your deep knowing MATTERS.
So I hope you’ll join me for a special teleclass Your Deep Knowing Matters: Claiming Your Strength, Power and Intuition.
There’s Something bigger that’s happening here, Something that our very brilliant minds can’t figure it out. We need another way of knowing. A way of knowing that makes us look in a much different direction…to a much different kind of intelligence. An inner, non-verbal, heart-based intelligence.
More information and the link to register are below. I hope you will join us.
Your Deep Knowing Matters:
Claiming Your Strength, Power and Intuition
In times of crisis, we humans tend to push for answers and solutions, when we really need to deepen, drop below the surface, and connect with what’s real.
When faced with fear, disruptions and the unknown, it can be too easy to forget what we know is true:
Something below the surface is begging for our attention.
In this special teleclass we will regain peace, productivity, and healthy alignment with the Deep Creative.
Collectively, we’ll rest into Something greater than ourselves… and witness It work through us.
- Claim your wholeness, power, courage and creative fire.
- Align with your inner Source of abundance & well-being.
- Use your time, resources, attention & energy wisely.
- Spend your days connected to Spirit, fully present to your inner knowing.
- Experience natural strength, discipline, healthy boundaries, and focus.
When you’re in your right form, the Universe can work with you.
Don’t miss this unique opportunity.
Note: This is a tele-class, so you can live anywhere in the world and participate.
$95 includes audio recordings & handouts
GROUP CALLS: 3 Fridays April 17th, 24th & May 1st
10 am – 12 pm PST
* If you can’t attend live, these calls will be recorded.
“Kim’s work is pioneering.” ~ Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, New York Times bestselling author of Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience
“Kim has a unique capacity to bring forth great depth in people.” ~ Dr. Elizabeth Cassanos, psychologist