You’ve got this. You don’t need more training.

I have yet to work with a client who needs more training in order to achieve her life purpose and express her creative gifts. In fact, it’s amazing how many smart people (especially women) collect endless certifications and credentials and spend all kinds of money (and time) on training after training, because they fear their real gifts aren’t legitimate or good enough. I don’t mean to disrespect training programs. I just object to the knee-jerk tendency to solve every career redirection with yet another certification.
One of my clients calls it “kicking the can down the road.” Her focus is always on something outside of herself that she needs to get. Once she gets it, she kicks the can again.
The problem is, she never gets there.
The Deep Creative doesn’t operate at the level of degrees and certifications. For myself, I’ve never had the proper credentials for the significant things I’ve done. I taught a course called “Instructional Strategies” in the UC Berkeley teacher credentialing program… and I had absolutely no classroom teaching experience under my belt. I’ve taught several courses for Pacifica Graduate Institute and other graduate schools of Depth Psychology…and I’ve never taken any classes in that field. (Nor have I taken any courses in psychology, for that matter. My PhD is in Education.)
What if you already have everything you need to realize your dream of finishing that book or becoming a folk singer or running a marathon? If you have a secret longing to do something, I bet that you already have the skills that you need to do it. You don’t need more training.
The secret desire that you’ve been holding close to your chest is in your creative field with you, along with all the resources and capacities you need to take that preliminary first step. Otherwise you wouldn’t have the desire to do it in the first place.
The Deep Creative wants you to own your wholeness, meaning that all you need is right here. It says, “You’ve got this, babe.”
The Deep Creative wants us to create. Let’s start doing that.