My clients tell me they need to figure out their next step.
But I work with people who aren’t living ordinary lives. They’re living creative lives which means they’re working with a realm that’s BIGGER than they are.
Have you experienced a time when you were working on something and a stunningly brilliant idea or direction for your work just popped into your head?
You weren’t searching for it, it just popped in.
This is how the creative is supposed to work.
What we humans are responsible for is having a form that allows the Deep Creative to move through us.
If you hold good form, the Deep Creative will SHOW YOU your next step.
What do I mean by good form? I mean clear structure. When we’re cloudy and confused, when we’re addicted to social media or buying stuff we don’t need, when we’re consumed by politics or involved in constant feuds with our daughter, when we have fuzzy boundaries and get involved in things that are none of our business, what shows up in my sessions is unclear or shaky form.
And when we have shaky form, the Deep Creative can’t work its magic.
Here’s an analogy. If we want to make soup, we need a sturdy pot–a vessel that’s strong and can withstand heat. We can’t make soup with a pot that’s not sturdy or that has holes in it.
Similarly, to do creative work and live creative lives, we humans need to be sturdy pots.
When we have a good form, we don’t have to figure anything out. Spirit comes through and does it for us.
We’re only responsible for being the form for the Deep Creative to express itself.