When people are ready to launch something new (…a workshop, a business, a creative work of art), they’ll sometimes take steps that are too small for them. This often stems from a fear of expressing their true vision. It also happens when they’re concerned about spending money on something that has an unknown outcome (…when we launch something new, we are by definition stepping into unknown territory).
For example, my client Mary wrote up a workshop description that she’d been talking about for months. She was finally launching her own work into the world…bravo! But she ended up “hedging” in the writing of it. Instead of sharing her true vision, she wrote something more conservative and restrained, something that seemed safer and more acceptable. Something that was more similar to what other people in her field were doing, rather than the original and unique work that she has to offer.
Sarah, a visual artist, took the wonderful step of renting studio space but ended up settling for a studio that was too small. In our session, what became clear is that her soul really wanted a studio that would be big enough to display several large canvases at once, so that the energies and themes would interact and play off one another. What Sarah really needs right now is SPACE. She won’t always need space, but right now, her work needs big space.
Of course, it’s great that both Mary and Sarah took these steps. But those steps aren’t going to be fully satisfying (or workable in the long run), because they weren’t big enough. Marsha moved into a small studio, and then realized it wasn’t a match for the work she was being called to do. She ultimately packed up everything and moved again. Mary had a nice experience teaching, but the participants didn’t get to see what she really had to offer because she was hiding it. She missed an opportunity to grow her own work.
I don’t want to diminish the importance of taking steps, but the truth is this: Often, when we don’t take the big step when it’s in front of us, it ends up costing us more time, energy, money and resources.
If you’re wondering about the size of the step that’s in front of you right now, please join me for my upcoming teleclass with Depth Psychology Alliance: Launch Your Soul’s Calling: Tapping Core Shamanic Energies & Guidance. December 8th, 1 – 3 pm PST. $45 includes recording of the class.
In the teleclass, you’ll be able to metaphorically see the vision and experience the energies of what your soul wants to create. You’ll have the added advantage of being able to work with me individually with your vision..
When we work with metaphor, we enter the sacred third space that lies beyond our mind’s perception of our work or situation. In third space, we know and can profoundly feel the deep truth of what wants to be created, and our alignment with it.
I invite you to take a pause from your busy life to feel/sense/see your own deep creative energies and how they want to move and express right now.
So your next step will be big enough for you.