Late last fall was the first time I heard it. A very clear, distinct voice that sometimes spoke to me multiple times per day: “Don’t worry, Kim. You’re going to be fine.”
I couldn’t figure this out—I frequently get messages from the Other side but they always relate to something. This time, I didn’t have a clue why I was hearing this message. My only thought was that the cancer I had a few years ago had returned, but I kept asking if I should get myself checked out medically, and the answer was always no.
After months of hearing this voice, in February of this year it became clear: the voice was reassuring me in advance about the pandemic.
I tuned in for a Doorway session, and something big, dark and foreboding showed up:
Something doesn’t look good. It’s heavy and there’s no movement. There’s something that’s blocking everything else out. There’s no breathing room.
The healing energy was expansiveness and it said:
Don’t go into the heaviness. You need to be expansiveness, it’s the only place where you’ll be safe. Step back. Don’t try to fix anything. Be expansiveness. This is beyond what you can know right now. Let God do it.
We humans think we need external things in order to be safe and that’s not true.
Our safety lies within us. It lies in another intelligence.