In doorway sessions, clients discover their unique relationship with Spirit–the unique way that Spirit wants to work with them.
Because our ultimate assignment is to become Spirit’s dance partner. But in order to be that dance partner, we have to be our full selves.
We have to show up as an equal.
We don’t just snap our fingers to become Spirit’s dance partner. It takes spiritual growth and a shifting of our energy. I’ve worked with hundreds of clients over the years and what shows up from the intelligent field is always the Source vibration that they most need to bring them into their fullness. Here are the most common:
GOOD FORM: We need to develop a strong, sturdy sense of self with good boundaries. Good form is how we hold yourself in the world. When we have GOOD FORM we don’t unravel with unforeseen events or circumstances. A client was going through a scary divorce with a domineering husband. She needed to learn how to hold GOOD FORM in the meetings with her husband and their lawyers.
Where do you need better form?
GOOD SENSE OF SELF, CLARITY, DEFINITION: A sense of knowing who we are in this world. Women who have spent many years as mothers are often working these energies. Clarity and definition can start with simple things: “I like this, I don’t like that” “this is OK with me, this is not OK with me” “I will go in this direction and not in that direction.” Many people come to me because they want to launch a business or creative work that represents what’s true about them. This requires a GOOD SENSE OF SELF, CLARITY and DEFINITION.
Where do you need to set a boundary or be more clear?
WHOLENESS: Wholeness is owning the lost pieces of our lives. For myself, I spent much of my adult life dismissing my mystical and visionary experiences. I was too scared to look at this part of my life and too timid to acknowledge that I was being called to work on Spirit’s behalf. I’ve also spent years developing my creative self, but dismissing the businesswoman and academic parts of myself. WHOLENESS required me to own these lost and dismissed parts.
What parts of your life or what inner passions do you need to own and embrace?
RIGHT SIZE: Many of us, especially women, have been too small in this world, while some of us think of ourselves as too big. Being arrogant or having a big ego are examples of being too big, but being too big also happens when we have an outsized view of what we believe we can accomplish. For example, sometimes I work with therapists or counselors who have way too many clients. They need to realize they can’t help that many people–they need to be smaller.
Have you been hiding, do you need to be bigger? Or… for right now, does it feel right to pull back and not be so big?
Although the Source vibrations of STURDY SENSE OF SELF, GOOD FORM, CLARITY, DEFINITION, WHOLENESS, and RIGHT SIZE are the most common, there are numerous other energies that may arrive, such as: LIGHTNESS, EXPANSIVENESS, STILLNESS, FREEDOM, FLOW, ROOTEDNESS, STRENGTH, DEPTH, an INNER FOCUS, GENTLENESS, REST, CREATIVE FIRE, EROTIC and so on.
If we want to grow, we have to shift. We have to BE different.
Many of my clients don’t tend to view themselves as equal to Spirit. And of course, when we’re hurting, we may need to curl up in the womb of the Loving Mother for awhile. But the ultimate goal of your life is not to be a passive receiver. It’s to be a sacred co-conspirator.
Sometimes, a person’s Spirit teacher, guide, or power animal shows up. But in my work, these spirit teachers only come when the client is ready to meet them as an equal.
They come to meet you in your full strength… so you can meet them in theirs.
That’s when brilliance happens.