Metaphor is an act of genius

Metaphor is at the core of nearly all scientific breakthroughs and acts of genius.
Celebrated scientists like Niels Bohr, Richard Feynman, and Albert Einstein relied on metaphor to help them make new discoveries.
Metaphors play a crucial role in transforming how we see the world and approach problems. By connecting seemingly unrelated ideas, they open the door to innovation and fresh perspectives. From groundbreaking scientific discoveries to personal creative insights, metaphors allow us to access deeper truths and untapped potential. Developing the ability to recognize and work with powerful metaphors is essential for anyone seeking profound transformation or visionary work.
Clearly, fundamental change depends upon our ability to engage with metaphor.
Metaphor is an act of genius.
To uncover and work with your own potent metaphors, please join my unique, special community for visionaries, artists, therapists, and pioneers to do their BEST and DEEPEST work: