Metaphor stimulates and catalyzes inner transformation. When we define and clarify these deep metaphoric structures, we uncover an unconscious human language. Certain foundational metaphors occur over and over again in the world’s literature. They are:
Transitioning from caterpillar to butterfly.
Awakening from the dream of reality.
Uncovering the veils of illusion.
Moving from captivity to liberation.
Purification by inner fire.
Going from darkness to light.
Moving from fragmentation into wholeness.
Journeying toward a vision.
Returning to the source.
Dying and being reborn.
Unfolding the tree of our life.
Sprouting or growing from a seed.
For more, check out another blog post on my website:
Inspired by Ralph Metzner’s 1998 book The Unfolding Self: Varieties of Transformative Experience by Origin Press.