
The power of simple images: Unlocking divine wisdom

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Metaphoric images have the ability to take us into an intelligent field of potent, Source energy.

But to take us into that realm of non-ordinary intelligence, the image must be SIMPLE.

Simple is powerful.

As Einstein said, “when the solution is simple, God is answering.”

Complex images, on the other hand, keep us in our thinking, trying to “figure it all out.”

For example, a complicated image is: “a house that has 2 floors, it’s blue with yellow trim, the roof is at a sharp slant, it looks old and shabby. There’s a dog outside on the lawn …”

And a narrative story like the following is similarly complicated:

“I went down a path and then I saw a castle. There was a dragon at the door and the door was red. Then I saw my father next to me and….”)

Embellished images and stories can be wonderfully insightful. But to enter non-ordinary knowing, we need to stay away from our thinking mind’s need to understand and analyze.

Our thinking mind can’t shift us into non-ordinary intelligence.

A simple image with no detailed embellishments (a tree, a waterfall, a cloud, a fork, golf ball, or a piece of grass) can allow us to enter a dimension that is not of this world.

Simple images connect us with the wisdom of the Divine.

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