How to find the metaphor that’s working you

Metaphors are powerful tools for uncovering deeper truths about our lives. They show up everywhere—if we’re willing to notice them. Here are some simple ways to discover the metaphor that’s speaking to you:
a. Spend time in nature (or a city park). Whatever stands out to you will be a metaphor.
b. Notice the metaphors that show up in your conversations.
c. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and then open your eyes. What is the first thing you see? What quality do you notice about it? That’s a metaphor.
d. How are you feeling right now? If you were going to give that feeling an image, what would it be? Fire? Cloud? A heavy piece of industrial equipment?
e. Ask a friend for whatever image spontaneously pops into his or her head. What quality does the image have? That’s your metaphor.
Metaphors reveal what’s alive in our subconscious and guide us to new insights. They don’t just describe your experience—they offer a doorway to explore it more deeply. Trust what shows up, and let it speak to you.