Metaphors have a way of holding the most truth in the least space. ~ Orson Scott Card
Metaphor cuts through mental chatter and confusion.
An artist who’s involved in too many outside projects sees her work as an apple tree with ripe fruit. It’s time for her to harvest her fruit. If she doesn’t, it will fall to the ground and be wasted.
Metaphor explains complex things.
A coach describes her way of working with clients as “Batter up!” Her clients pitch her a ball and she hits it back. She says, “Batter up” is who I am and what I love to do. Having that image of hitting a baseball has been moving and beautiful. It’s explained 10 billion times more to me than any business advice like, ‘define your target audience’ or ‘identify your niche.’”
Metaphor clarifies our needs.
A man going through a stressful divorce sees himself as a spider with a beautiful, safe web surrounding him. The image gives him a tactile sense of space.