Yearning for depth and sacred connection

As I get older, I find myself yearning more and more for depth… and a deeper alignment with Spirit. It’s all I care about. It’s all I want.
I don’t want to be distracted by anything that takes me away from that connection (crazy political news, my own insecurities or confused thinking, poor habits, …).
I don’t want to waste my time. I want my precious energy to be immersed in sacred things.
I want to fully embody my life and share my gifts on this planet.
The older I get, the clearer it becomes that life is finite. Our time and energy are treasures, and what we give them to matters.
If you feel that way too, I hope you’ll join me for this special upcoming shamanic pilgrimage in December.
Let’s end the year in a sacred place.
For more info or to register: