Creativity is kind of like soup. If we want to make soup we need a strong pot. Because of course, if the pot leaks, we lose the soup.
I work with creative people. They don’t need more ideas. What they need is a way to manage the flow. They need a way to feel safe stepping into the unknown. Then need a way to not feel overwhelmed. They need a way to protect their work.
In other words, they need form.
They need a structure, which I metaphorically see as a square or what I call “square energy.” Square energy allow us to step into unknown territory—it gives us boundaries, clarity and definition.
Yes. Even in the midst of the unknown, even when chaos is descending around us, we can create structure for ourselves. Through the wisdom of metaphoric energy, we have the ability to create lines and boundaries for ourselves.
But when we work with form and structure, we don’t want it to be too small for us.
What we often do (…out of fear) is settle too quickly. We create form too quickly–we just want to make the darn decision about the job, or we’re eager to launch something so we launch too soon, or write a book but we’re afraid of really saying what we want to say. Or whatever.
The creative form needs to be proper size.
When you feel overwhelmed, when you don’t know what we’re doing, when you’re exploring something new…you can tap the metaphoric energies below the surface to create structure for yourself.