1. Be Authentic. Where are you out of integrity with yourself? Our creativity flourishes when we’re in alignment with our loves, passions and true desires.
2. Make Connections. At its most basic, creativity is about making connections between things…connections that no one else has yet seen.
3. Be Something Else for a Moment. What does the breeze blowing through the cherry blossoms feel like? BE the breeze and see what the breeze has to say about your creative dilemma.
4. Add Space…a Pause. In all creative modalities, the “negative space” is what creates the art, as well as engagement with the audience. For example, in music, the space between the notes creates the melody—the beauty is found in the in-between space. Where can you give your readers, clients, students…a pause?
5. Borrow From Other Artistic Arenas. If you’re a writer, use principles of artistic design to guide your writing. How can you make your words…visual? For example, you could try writing in geometric patterns. If you’re a visual artist, how might dance, cooking or poetry inform or inspire your work? The cross-pollination might be literal or metaphoric.
For more detailed information about all 14 ways to inspire creative thinking, click here for my free PDF download: 14 ways to be more creative…in the next 10 minutes