Tomorrow I’m excited to be offering a special teleclass with Depth Psychology Alliance on healing. Feeling good in our physical bodies is a high priority in today’s world…with all the ongoing chaos, trauma and stress.
This class is also close to my heart because I’ve journeyed through my own health uncertainties. I’m in good health now, but last year I was diagnosed with an ovarian tumor that my ob-gyn said “looked suspicious.” She prescribed surgery and chemotherapy and I walked out of her office stunned.
Of course, I tuned into metaphor for guidance. The metaphoric image showed me I was walking through something uncertain, but I also saw myself standing on solid ground. In the image, I wasn’t standing “in muck,” there was nothing ominous hanging over my head or anywhere around me, and my body was strong and sturdy. This is the message that came through the image:
“I am walking on solid ground, fully centered in my body. I know I will be safe, even though I don’t know what lies ahead. I can move as fast or as slow as I would like. I can rest when I want to. I do not need to push. There is nothing scary around me. Only uncertain terrain.”
I knew without a doubt that I wasn’t in danger and that I could trust this message from Spirit. And so I did.
There’s only one place we can go to find out what is real…and ultimately, it’s not doctors or experts.
Truth—and healing—lie in Third Space.
Each of us being grounded in our own metaphoric wisdom is radically important in today’s world. It’s way too easy to get thrown off…by the latest experts, doctors opinions, political pundits, twitter rants, and even conversations with well-meaning family and friends.
So if you are facing something uncertain or confusing, or simply want to gift your body with potent metaphoric healing energies, I hope you’ll join us.
More about the class is below, and here’s the link to register:
Healthy, Strong & Vital: Tapping Metaphor’s Healing Powers
Friday, October 27th 1 -3 pm PDT
$42 includes recording
Note: This teleclass WILL be recorded. If you can’t make it to the live event, you can still get the recording and do the experiential work on your own.
Whether you enjoy great health or you’re dealing with injuries or illness, all of us want to live life at our fullest. It’s a crazy world, and our physical bodies experience the cost of that hurry, stress, and overwhelm.
Please bring to the class whatever health concern or questions you’re currently dealing with—no topic or question is off-limits. (…and please remember that you may participate in the class anonymously. A gift of the teleclass format is that you can still receive the benefits of this work without revealing your name or identity.)
No matter what your current challenge might be—aches and pains, sexual issues, injuries, illness, instituting better habits of self-care, or simply wanting to feel more balanced and flexible—tapping the powerful healing capacities of metaphoric Source Energy will offer you healing, guidance and an energetic shift.
You will be able to see the metaphorical roots of health issues and challenges…and most importantly, what your body wants for healing.
- move through the world with grace, ease and peace of mind
- transform aging, illness, aches and pain
- institute better habits of self-care
- gain greater strength, flexibility and balance
- flourish and thrive
Join us…and give your body a loving embrace.
“Not since Carlos Castenada’s books 40 years ago, have I had such a strong reaction. Kim’s work is pioneering.” ~ Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, New York Times bestselling author of Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience
To register: