Unlocking the creative power of metaphor: A journey beyond fear and into deep knowing

Despite my desire for zen-like calm, I’ve been deeply affected by the unsettling US election and the endless stream of hard-to-believe news stories. Sometimes, I feel afraid—of nuclear war, climate change, and violence that seems far beyond my control. I worry about “what could happen.” Adding to this external chaos, I had a personal health scare last summer. While I’m fine now, the experience left me shaken.
Even though I’ve worked with the metaphoric realm for years and know, beyond a doubt, that this otherworldly realm of wisdom and creative energy urgently wants to communicate with us, I still need constant reminders. There is something bigger than us, something beyond this everyday world we see with our ordinary eyesight.
And yet, our human minds struggle to see this “something else.”
Yesterday, during a session with a client, a vivid metaphoric image appeared: an azure blue field of energy. It wasn’t diffuse; it was a clear, distinct “thing.” The energy had a message:
“I am a thing. I am not nothing. I need to be a thing. I need to be a thing for you. People don’t see the ‘something’ in the middle realm. You think there is something to fear. There is nothing to fear. I came here to tell you that. When you feel afraid, remember me.”
This metaphoric realm exists. It’s not “under the surface” or hidden—it’s right here. But seeing it requires a shift in perception, a different way of looking. The intense beauty of the metaphoric realm remains dormant until we give it our attention.
Growing up in a conservative Midwestern family, I wasn’t taught to value or even recognize the spiritual or mystical. I was trained in rigorous academic environments that prioritized logic and science. Creativity, in my family, was often dismissed as “fluff.” Talking about other realms or spiritual insights is far outside my comfort zone. But my life began to change dramatically when I stopped dismissing the messages and profound experiences that arose from the metaphoric realm.
It’s time for us to look differently.
When we look through the eyes of metaphor, we tap into the deep, profound creative energies of the Universe—the energies that guide, inspire, and unfold our lives.
If you’re ready to align with the deep creative forces waiting to move through your life, I invite you to join me for my upcoming tele-class:
The Power of Metaphor: Unlocking the Creative
With the Depth Psychology Alliance
[Details and Registration Link]