When we teach, train, coach, mentor, or share our gifts in the world it makes us vulnerable. Teaching requires us to show up and be present, putting ourselves at risk of being judged, condemned, or rejected. But in our vulnerability is our power. Motivated by the love I feel for my subject and students, teaching and sharing my gifts with others challenges me to walk through the fire and become my best Self.
“When we are most vulnerable, we are most alive, most open to all dimensions of existence. In our vulnerability is our power.” ~ Miriam Greenspan
If you want to explore the edge and depth of your own capacities as teacher, trainer, coach, please join me for my upcoming teleclass, in partnership with Depth Psychology Alliance.
When groups of any size come together for a shared purpose, there is a “third space” of larger wisdom available to draw upon, a wisdom that lies within the center of the group itself. Third space is a place of intuitive knowing, a realm that lies just beyond our ordinary, everyday rational intellectual capacities. In this experiential workshop, we will go underneath the tools, mechanics and content of what you teach or facilitate, to uncover the realm of profound wisdom that lies below it.
- Embrace and draw upon the sacred wisdom in a room, phone conversation or online group
- Move through blocks and teaching challenges more quickly
- Discover expanded possibilities for your teaching, facilitation, coaching, or mentoring
- Access new vibrancy and potency in your training or coaching business
Eckhart Tolle wrote, “Most people confuse the Now with what happens in the Now, but that’s not what it is. The Now is deeper than what happens in it. It is the space in which it happens.” In this experiential workshop, we will see, embrace and engage the space in which it happens.
I’ve always been fascinated by group spaces and how to make them magical…accessing a deeper wisdom and a deeper beauty. There’s something that happens in group energy that couldn’t happen any other way. Those magical moments give us a deep sense of meaning and connection, and are what we remember for the rest of our lives.
Join us for this introductory class and get a taste of what’s possible.
1.5 CEU credit for MFTs and LCSWs
$29 for Depth Alliance members BEFORE Tuesday November 24th. ($34 after November 24th)
$35 for non-Alliance members BEFORE Tuesday November 24th. ($39 after November 24th)
REGISTER: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=67r4iomab&oeidk=a07ebppwiqr6ef1ea9d
* This tele-class WILL be recorded. If you can’t make the actual event, you can still sign up to receive the recording.