Click here for a super fun interview I recently did with “Dr. Dave” at Shrink Rap Radio. There’s even an experiential portion where you can get answers to your own personal questions.
I really enjoyed talking to Dave. It was the first time I’ve been asked about my time living in a remote area of northwest Montana. After growing up in a conservative Midwestern family, following corporate rules as a computer scientist at a large Fortune 500 company and then a rigorous PhD program at the University of Chicago…. I came to a point in my life where I needed wild.
Wolves howling at night, the mystical mountains (especially in the depths of winter) and magical encounters with bears…as well as renegades, rebels, artists of all sorts and hippies living off the grid, playing music on homemade instruments. I came to Montana because I needed to shake off all my previous training and ways of thinking and experience something totally new. My time there was a breath of fresh air, opening up abundant creative space for me.
Where in your life do you need some fresh air?
If you’re ready to open up new possibilities and creative terrain like I did in Montana, please join me for a Doorway session.