Have You Ever Seen the Rain just played on my car radio. It reminds me of magic moments in singing gatherings—all of us belting this song out at the top of our lungs. I’ve experienced so many magic moments when I’ve sung and played music in a circle with others. And it’s interesting magic moments are always IN the moment. Magic (or we could say beauty) is never OUTSIDE of the present moment. Beauty isn’t found in the future. It’s RIGHT HERE, right now.
Beauty happens when we’re present, not when we’re planning ahead or thinking about something with our mind in some far-off place. It’s a mind-less place.
After having spent so many years in school developing my thinking abilities, it’s a challenge to let go of all that, be present, and let my heart lead the way. It’s really about trusting in life, because my heart is connected to the pulse of life. And my mind is definitely not. (In fact, my mind often gets me into messes that I then have to clean up.)
The more present I am in the moment, the more beauty I get to experience.