Greater wisdom comes through when we admit we don’t know

My love for teaching began when I realized that I could be a learner when I teach. And in fact, I was a better teacher when I held that position.
It’s amazing how greater wisdom comes through when we admit we don’t know and stop trying to figure it out.
The first time I do something, I rarely do it very well. Holding a learner mindset makes all the difference. We humans are designed to be learners… we’re designed to experiment, make mistakes, try new things, fail, fall down, and try again.
A learning mindset is courageous. It takes us into unknown places with unknown outcomes.
Learning is messy. Messy means we’re human, we make mistakes and we have no idea how it’s going to turn out. We never have absolute control. But we can investigate what is before us: What is this situation asking of me? What, or who, do I need to pay attention to right now?
Excerpted from Getting Messy: A Guide to Taking Risks and Opening the Imagination for Teachers, Trainers, Coaches and Mentors by Kim Hermanson