

  • one monthly experiential group journey into the intelligent field (on Zoom)
  • one monthly group Q & A / check-in about how the Deep Creative is manifesting in your life and work  (on Zoom)
  • online community: connect with fellow pioneers & visionaries
  • digital course: Accepting the Deep Call – Clarify & Own Your Soul Purpose
  • discounted rates on Doorway sessions

For years I’ve been amazed by the depth, wisdom, and creative genius of the people who attend my seminars. Most have spent a lifetime following unique, non-ordinary paths; many have developed their own profound depth modalities for working with clients and groups. This community is not your average, run-of-the-mill kind of crowd. It’s full of brilliant, unique, gifted individuals who are clearly honoring deep soul callings.

So many of you have asked me for a community space where you can share your work and the deeper visions that are calling you. While we’re constantly bombarded by bad news and senseless violence in our world, and I’m sure we all feel despair around longstanding issues such as climate change, under the surface, you all are doing powerful work. So… please join me in this special community to support, share, inspire one another, and honor what’s true under the surface.

Together we will:

  • Own our deep knowing.
  • Tap into creative brilliance.
  • Open new channels of non-cognitive wisdom.
  • Expand our range of creative possibilities and potentials.
  • Experience breakthroughs and a deep shift in our sense of ‘being.’

You’ll dive deep under the surface to stay focused, inspired, strong, clear, and hooked up to your true path. Our first monthly group call will be a journey into the intelligent field where you’ll receive the metaphoric image and shift you need most. In our second monthly group call, I’ll answer any questions and we’ll explore how the Deep Creative has been revealing itself in your life and work.

You’ll also have access to a wealth of additional material for those who want to better understand how I work with metaphoric images. And you’ll receive my digital course, Accepting the Deep Call: Clarify & Own Your Soul Purpose, which includes a recorded journey that you can do on your own to get answers, guidance, and clarity.