Frequently Asked Questions

When are the group calls?

Group calls with Kim are 10 am - 11:30 am PST on the first and third Fridays of every month. Every call is recorded and available for members.

What if I'm not a visual person?

We work with sensory knowing (hot, cold, big, small, strong, light, etc), which draws on your ability to feel. Although images can be a starting point, it's not necessary to work with images.

I can't make that call time. Can I still get value if I join?

Every group call is recorded and include group journeys. There is no reason to attend live unless you want the opportunity to work with Kim in-person. The recordings are valuable because watching how Kim works with people will help you work with your own images and sensory intelligence that you receive on the journeys.

What makes this different from other forms of imagery work, such as dream analysis?

This work is more similar to shamanism than to dream analysis in that we directly enter a field of intelligence in real time. You'll receive your own imagery and sensory guidance that you will feel a visceral shift from. Spirit guides, power animals, divine teachers, and sacred symbols may show up from the field.

I'm not creative, but I do have a health challenge (or issues with spouse, career, life direction...), can this help?

Absolutely. Our thinking mind and ingrained patterns of behavior are often what get us into trouble, and can be impossible to shift on their own. With this work, we bypass the thinking mind and dysfunctional patterns, going straight into your own higher knowing. 

What makes this different from other forms of imagery work, such as dream analysis?

This work is more similar to shamanism than to dream analysis in that we directly enter a field of intelligence in real time. You'll receive your own imagery and sensory guidance that you will feel a visceral shift from. Spirit guides, power animals, divine teachers, and sacred symbols may show up from the field.