Why nurturing yourself boosts creativity: A fresh approach to productivity

When I teach writing classes, people often ask for tips on being more disciplined and productive. My answer might surprise you: discipline isn’t the key to creativity. Instead, creativity needs to be fed. When you take care of yourself—indulging in what makes you feel warm and fuzzy—your creative voice naturally starts to speak. Then, all you need to do is get out of its way.
The Myth of “Forcing Creativity”
The idea that creativity thrives on discipline comes from how we were trained in school. Deadlines, grades, and rigid structures—the “stick”—were used to make us produce work. And sure, we got things done, but was it truly creative? Probably not. That’s because real creativity comes from the heart, not the head, and the heart thrives when it’s nurtured.
How to “Feed” Your Creativity
As adults, the opposite approach to school works best: focus on self-care and enjoyment. Treat yourself to your favorite things (for me, it’s my garden, hip cafes, or browsing quirky gift shops), and give yourself space to listen. When your spirit feels nourished, your heart will naturally start speaking. Creativity doesn’t come from grinding—it comes from play.
Instead of forcing yourself to “work,” create structure by making time for wandering, exploring, and soaking in beauty. Haven’t you noticed that when you do this, new insights and ideas seem to flow on their own? Creativity blossoms when you nurture yourself at a deep level.
The Self-Care Formula for Creativity
A couple of friends, Suzanne and Sam, have a wonderful book coming out on personal finances called Wealth and Well-Being. In it, they introduce a concept they call the “worth circle”:
Self-Care —> Self-Worth —> Net Worth
It’s a powerful idea: focus on self-care, and the rest follows. The same applies to creativity:
Self-Care —> A Happy Spirit —> Abundant Creative Work
So, if you want your creative energy to flow, start by taking care of yourself. Go for a walk, spend time in your favorite places, or do something that fills you with joy. When your heart feels good, the ideas will come.
Now, go nurture yourself—you deserve it!